There are soooo many new changes in the latest version of Benji :) Enjoy!
The habits screen got a huge revamp! ❤️🔥
Now you can create lists for your habits. This is useful if you have way too many habits and you're trying to organize them in a nicer way.
But habit lists are not only about organizing. Now you can share the habit lists with someone else (i.e a significant other, a roommate, a family member, a friend, etc.) and you can both complete habits on the list.
This is useful if you're taking care of a home, pet, or a child with someone else, and you want to make sure that everything is done.
If you want your habits to disappear as you complete/fail/skip them, you can do that with the new checkbox in the habits sidebar.
Now you can group your habits by:
If you hold cmd (or ctrl) while clicking a habit, it will mark it as failed. If you hold alt, it will skip it. This way, you can click through your habit list way faster.
The Todos sidebar can be hidden and toggled just like the Planner sidebar. You can also use Cmd + \ to toggle the sidebar.
It's super annoying when you're adding a todo and you want to add a new tag but you gotta exit the todo, go to tags, create the tag, and come back. Now you can create tags on the fly.
Life can get hectic, and you might not want to see certain routines in the home widget for a while. Now you can pause and reactivate routines as you please.
The journal editor supports rich text.
You can reorder sections in a project.
You can move todos between groups by dragging and dropping them. This works no matter how you group your todo list (time of day, time block, priority, tag, etc.)
You can change the planned date for todos in the Upcoming page. If a todo has both a planned date and a due date, you can choose whether you want to move the planned date or the due date.
Sometimes, you can be overwhelmed by the amount of todos that you have to deal with. Now you can pause some todo lists that you don't want to see for a while.
Similarly to pausing a tag, if you mark a list as paused, the tasks from the list won't show in Overview anymore. The list should be put on the bottom of Lists and greyed out.
You can write your heart out inside of an event's description field. Rich text, italic, lists, todos, whatever floats your boat.
If the field is too small, you can pop it out as a dialog.
If you edit a contact, you can set a day interval of how often do you want to have an activity with them (this can be a video call, hanging out, or whatever you decide). If you haven't done an activity in that interval, the contact will appear in the contacts widget on the home page to remind you about this person.
You can also pin some contacts permanently so you can see when was the last time you've done an activity with them.
In Settings -> Features you can choose which features do you want pinned in the desktop sidebar, mobile toolbar, or as a widget in the home screen.
Easily duplicate a workout from the past without adding the exercises one by one. The reps will be gone, but everything else will stay and the workout will start.
Quicker opening/adding things from the Home tab
Add 3 dot menu and allow home widgets to be hidden
Allow dragging of todos from the "Due" section of today/tomorrow into the planned section
Indicate that a task has a description by putting a "text" icon to the right of the task name
Bug Fixes
Sometimes the timezone dialog appears stuck and cannot press on no or save
When trying to link something in a description of a todo, the link popup shows in the top left corner
Make cmd + , (or ctrl + ,) open the settings
Fasts cannot be deleted