kitze / Benji

Benji is back! Here are some of the changes from the last week. More goodies coming soon 🍭


Your life progress

Inspired by Tim Urban's "Life in weeks" there's a new feature that you can access from the Spotlight (search for "My life in weeks")

You can choose an estimate for your life expectancy, and then see the following info:

  • How many years you have left
  • How many weekends you have left
  • Progress bar of your life
  • Progress bar of the year
  • Weeks left of your life
  • Progress bar of the current season (summer, winter, etc.)

Also, if you have set birthdays for your contacts in Benji, you will see in which of your life they will leave your life. This is definitely a morbid feature, but it might motivate you to spend more time with your friends and your loved ones.

This feature will soon be more integrated in the platform with widgets, etc. but also you'll be able to disable it completely if it freaks you out.


Quick Todo Menu

Easily update any todo by clicking on the 3 dot menu. You can choose:

  • Planned date
  • Due date
  • Tags
  • Duration
  • Annoying level
  • Priority

Rich todo descriptions

Your todo descriptions are like a document now. You can add rich text: bold, italic, headings, lists, checklists, etc. To start a checklist just type [] and it will turn into a checkbox.

You can also maximize the description so you can focus on it and have more space for writing.


Sharing projects

Now you can invite someone to a project. You need to follow each other in order to send an invite to a project.

In the demo video below we have a user "Kitze" on the left and "John" on the right, and they're sharing a project called "House renovation".


Group tasks by time blocks

After you add some time blocks to your planner, you can go to your "Today" view and group todos by time blocks.

You can also easily add new tasks to each time block


Estimate todos and time blocks

Sometimes we have a small time block (30 minutes) but we will overestimate the amount of tasks we can dump in it.

So now when you add estimates to your tasks, you will see a progress bar with how much time there's left in each time block.


Peek at daily plan anywhere

Now you can access the planner and see your daily plan anywhere in the app just by pressing alt + c This is especially useful when you're planning your todos and you want to check what your day looks like.


Add tags and priority to lists

You could already add tags and priority for projects, but now you can do it for todo lists too.

i.e If you set the priority of a list to "High" all the tasks in that list will appear higher on the "Overview" list.

A reminder: tags in Benji can have points. For example you can make a tag called "Health" that has 100 points, so anytime you tag a todo with "Health" it will have extra 100 points and appear higher on the list.

Now you can tag entire lists, so all the tasks on that list will have more points.


Quick menu for projects and lists

Right click a project or a todo list from the sidebar so you can easily edit it, delete it, complete it, or hide it form the sidebar.

You can still access the hidden lists/projects through the Spotlight (cmd+k or ctrl+k).


Todo settings

Go to Settings -> Todos to configure the todo settings. The following settings are available now:

  • Todo points
    • Display the points with a nmber
    • Display only a colorful border that represents points
    • Don't display points at all
  • Choose whether to show due/overdue tasks in the Today view

Instant quick todos

No more waiting for a task to be added from the "quick add" inputs. Now you can add multiple tasks without waiting.


See completed todos

Click on "Done" in the left sidebar to explore the todos you completed recently.


Hide project todos from Overview

You might have some projects that you are working on, but you don't want to see their tasks in the Overview. Now when you edit the project you can choose that.


Quick todo actions

Hold alt and click on a todo and you can quickly change the name without opening the full dialog.

Hold cmd/ctrl and click on an avatar on a shared todo and you'll automatically assign yourself to it, instead of opening the dialog and clicking 3 times.


Choose recurring event option with keyboard

It's super annoying when you're messing with recurring calendar events and you have to choose "This event" or "All events" with your mouse. It just kills the planning flow.

Now you can just press a shortcut on your keyboard so you can be even faster when planning your days.


Toggle pomodoro ambient sound

You could already toggle the pomodoro sounds by pressing alt + m , but now you can also do it by clicking on the music icon while holding the cmd or ctrl key.

Other Changes


Group tags by groups in the tag picker

Improved look for choosing a todo project/list

Access Tags from Spotlight (cmd/ctrl+k)

Instant saving a todo or planner event (no more loading spinner)

Quick rename a time block from todo list

Save todos and events with cmd/ctrl + s

Improve tag selector to autofocus and be bigger

Bug Fixes

Nested todo lists are not autoshared with shared users

Opening drawer crashes the app

Emoji selector shows on on another planet

Todo moving sections in a project after it's updated
